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Our Practices

Supernatural Produce & Products

We farm with no tractor, and only basic tools.


We have permanent raised beds which are built up yearly with organic earth matter


No tilling on established beds. This ensures we do not disrupt our precious micro-organisms and soil life


Utilizing insects and companion planting to deter pest infestations.


We use natural organic gardening solutions such as insect netting to protect our crops from pests. We are a no spray farm meaning we only spray healthy natural foliar solutions onto our plants such as seaweed extract.


Beautiful permaculture inspired swales and food forest patches are interwoven into our property to create  biodiversity and beauty on this land. 






We have 4 separate plots dedicated to creating forests of food



We’re all familiar with the concept of forests —

Lush, abundant expanses of pristine wilderness, teeming with life, a richness of biodiversity and awe-inspiring to behold.

Trees and plants intertwined, filling every possible space, the very well-spring of life itself!


Forests exist fine on their own. There’s no mowing, weeding, spraying, or digging

required. No pesticides, fertilizers, herbicides or nasty chemicals.


By understanding how forests grow and sustain themselves without human intervention, we can learn from Nature, copy the systems and patterns to model our own forests — ones filled with trees and plants that produce the food we can eat. 


We can design and construct the most sustainable food production systems

 possible; perfected, refined and cared for by Mother Nature herself . 





1. Large fruit trees

(Apple, cherry, plum, fig, pear, peach)  



2. Dwarf fruit trees

(prune plums, fig trees)


3. Shrub layer

(elderberry, currants, huckleberry, thimble, honey berry , blueberries, goji)


4. Herbaceous layer

(Medicinal & Culinary herbs)

Borage, comfrey, lupines, chamomile, yarrow, skullcap, valerian, oregano, thyme, spilanthes etc-- these are all our companion plants which double up as bee-forage plants


5. Rhizophere

(root crops)  Yacon, potatoes, Egyptian walking onions, horseradish


6. Soil surface:

Mints, clover, lemon balm, catnip 


7. Vertical layer (climbers):

Blackberry vines, sweet peas, clematis, hops

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